Monday, October 29, 2012

Minimum Wage

I think that we should get rid of minimum wage. People that have businesses are willing to pay employees what they want to a certain point and I think that some minimum age jobs should get paid more and some should get paid less. for an example I think that my current job at postal connection, I should get paid less because I am not doing much work at all, I'm just getting paid to be there and help out the very few people that come in the door. I'm not saying that I want to get paid less but I would settle for maybe $6.50 an hour. Other jobs that have employees running around and always doing hard work I think that they should get paid more to at least $10.00 per hour because they are working harder vs me just sitting around doing hw and waiting for people to come in the door. Bottom line is I think that they should get rid of minimum wage and that the owner/manager must decide on how hard the job is and how much you can get paid.

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