Wednesday, October 17, 2012

demand headlines

1. complementary demand: Usain Bolt tries out for football and gets put on an NFL team, jerseys and football sales sky rocket.
2. substitute demand: All the computers in the world break, everyone switch to books for infomation and ipad sales increase as well.
3. e l a s t i c demand: Soda sales are lowered to 5 cents a liter, soda demands go up and sales rise as well.
4. inelastic demand: toilet paper rises to $20.00 a roll, people crap themselves but they still buy it.

 TOILET PAPER ROLLS RISE UP TO $20.00 A ROLL!!!!!!!!!!! :O :O :O :O :O :O :O  

Toilet paper rolls increase to $20.00 a roll because a major forest fire destroys  all of the trees in alaska and the toilet paper companies that need those trees are running low on supplies and inorder to stay profitable they must raise their price on toilet paper because of the few trees left in alaska. There still is a subsitute demand: (leaves) but the people refuse to use sand paper so everyone wants real soft toilet paper. In a way in this situation, toilet paper is an inelastic product and no matter how high the price of toilet paper rises people will still want to buy it; maybe not as much in bulk but they will still want to use it over leaves. In a few weeks the government makes an agreement with the toilet paper companies and they decide to use the trees in oregon for new production and hopfully in 5 weeks toilet paper prices will go down and will soon be baack to normal.

 Writer; Justin Brown

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