Thursday, October 11, 2012

Demand finale blog

what i have learnd in this unit was very useful and understanding. The subject that i got the most out of was inelastic and elastic demand. inelastic demand are items that you must buy and elastic items are items that you don't need and are willing to subsitute items in for it. I learned that items like: bread, milk, and gasoline are inelastic items and the majority of people will buy those items when the price goes up or down. Products that are elastic such as: pop tarts, coffee, and chips are elastic because you can subsitute other items for them. A question that i have about inelastic and elastic demand is how far will people go as far as subsitute products before they don't want to buy them; and also how high will the price of an inelastic item go until people will not buy the product at all.

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