Thursday, September 13, 2012

blog 2

At the end of summer last year i was faced with two very important work decisions. #1 do i stay with my current job and work for subway like what i have been doing for the past one and a half years? #2 do i decide it is time to move on and work a different job at Postal Connection and try that out to gain new work experience or continue with what i know and stay at subway. this was not a very hard decision for me and i choose to work at Postal Connection over subway. This was an easy choice for me because the people that i worked with at subway were very rude and did not care too much about customer service, i did not like doing the same thing over and over again every single day; it just got too boring for me and so when i had a new opportunity i had to go for it.
I did not know anything about the business at all and so everything was totally new to me. the thing i really enjoyed about working for postal connection was i was getting paid $12.50  an hour vs.when i worked for subway and i got paid $8.80 an hour and barley any tips with it. I also enjoyed how it was less stressful than subway; you were never slammed to the door at postal connection and you never had any annoying customers yell at you for not doing your job correctly. The opportunity cost that i gave up when i was making my decision was staying with subway and do everything i already knew how to do which was easy, vs quitting subway and trying something totally new that i had no idea what i was doing, but gained more work experience and gain a better opportunity. by doing this i think i choose the correct choice because i wanted to experience more work and see how it can affect me later on in the future. A question i have is what would the opportunity cost be if i stayed with subway and didn't go after my new job? where would i be now? would i be in a better spot or a worse spot then before and how would my opportunity cost effect me?

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