Friday, November 16, 2012

My Manifest

I think that the government should not be as involved in our economy as they are now becasue it could lead to a command economy and we learned that it is not the best way to control our economy. Taxes should be given to everyone and everyone should be able to pay them because if you do not feel obligated to pay them then you should leave. Taxes should be used in our military and  given back to large US companies and small businesses and also drilling oil on our land.  
The Government should not have control over our health care becasue it will reduce jobs in america  and in order to  grow  we need more US jobs to be successful. Also our taxes should be spent on education so our future children will know more than we will and they will be more successful.  
We need to spend lesson infrastructure and more on job creation and lowering unemployment. Aslo less money given to the emergency services and police officers